Automation and Surveillance in Fortress Europe

Automation and Surveillance in Fortress Europe

Automation and Surveillance in Fortress Europe The Digital Walls of Fortress Europe - Part 3 Artificial intelligence and algorithms are at the heart of the EU’s new mobility-control regime. High-risk automated decisions are being taken on human lives. It is an...
Trapped in a Digital Surveillance System

Trapped in a Digital Surveillance System

Trapped in a Digital Surveillance System The Digital Walls of Fortress Europe - Part 2 Kostas Zafeiropoulos, Ioanna Louloudi, Nikos Morfonios 30/4/2022 At the Greek Consulate in Istanbul, one morning in 2016, Erkan, a Turkish citizen of Kurdish origin, crosses the...
Mapping the migrant camps in Europe

Mapping the migrant camps in Europe

Mapping the migrant camps in Europe Successful integration of refugees and migrants into their host society is at the core of the European migration strategy – at least, on paper. In reality their current living conditions show that they are far from meeting...
The hidden agenda behind the Recovery and Resilience Facility

The hidden agenda behind the Recovery and Resilience Facility

The hidden agenda behind the Recovery and Resilience Facility Member countries will be continuously assessed for meeting targets and reforms in order to receive their share of the recovery fund. If European governments do not comply with the agreed recovery plan, the...