Trapped in Paradise

Trapped in Paradise

Trapped in paradise   THE DARK FACE OF THE GREEK TOURISM INDUSTRYPosted workers in the EU: how letterbox companies based in Bulgaria are getting awaywith overworked, underdeclared and underpaid workers in Greek hotels.A months-long cross-border investigation about the...
MIIR becomes member of EDJNET!

MIIR becomes member of EDJNET!

We are happy to announce that the Mediterranean Institute for Investigative Reporting is joning EDJNET, as the first based in Greece journalistic organisation. The European Data Journalism Network (EDJNet) is a network of independent media organisations and data...
MIIR’S first investigation is out!

MIIR’S first investigation is out!

MIIR may have been officially founded on January 2019, but its data-driven seedlings were planted earlier, in the form of twitter bots. Since December 2018, the MIIR team has been painstakingly working on tracking automated twitter accounts. All, in order to...