(Why) Europe is running out of Meds

MIIR together with collaborating media teams from EDJNET spent a three month period looking for data and managed to create an updated database on drug shortages in Europe.

Greece’s shaky “green” investments

Are RRF resources for green transition being allocated wisely? The decisions of Greece and 10 other countries come under the microscope in this investigation.

Trapped in Darkness: Women in Europe remain defenseless against gender-based violence

A new cross-border data investigation by MIIR reveals gaps in the registration of femicides in Europe and Greece and the ineffective protection of women against crimes of sexual, physical, psychological and economic violence over the last decade.

Greece’s map for predicting wildfires is anachronistic and inadequate

Scientific gaps and other serious shortcomings characterize the unknown process of issuing the risk prediction map by the Civil Protection in Greece that determines the response of the authorities to fire incidents.

The undeclared war on women in Europe-Part 3

Is there anything more that authorities can do to protect women? This is the third part of a cross-border investigation on femicides in Europe during the pandemic, conducted by the Mediterranean Institute for Investigative Journalism (MIIR) in the context of EDJNet.

Ukrainians welcome, other refugees unwanted

2022 was the year when Fortress Europe put on its human face. The war in Ukraine has dramatically increased the number of asylum seekers in Europe, but has crowded out refugees from other war zones.

The black box of medicine shortages in Greece

MIIR jointly with the collaborating journalistic teams of the EDJNET searched for data and managed to create a database of medicine shortages in Europe. Greek official data show that Greece has the longest median duration of drug shortages among the countries we examined.

The undeclared war on women in Europe-Part 2

The story of Eleni, who went through a nightmare at the hands of her self-appointed “partner”, highlights the institutional gap in support for victims in Greece. What happens to women in Greece when they seek a way out of the abusive environment in which they are trapped?

The Undeclared War on Women in Europe-Part 1

A cross-border investigation by MIIR, conducted for the first time in Europe, with the participation of 18 newsrooms in the context of the European Data Journalism Network, has attempted to shed light on the gaps created by the mass shortages of up to date data on the deaths and violence against women in Europe today.

IVF for all, but not for LGBTI people

Greece’s assisted-reproduction industry has been actively promoting its services domestically and internationally, and offers hope to thousands of infertile people – as long as they are not lesbian couples, gay men or intersex people.

Who are we


The Mediterranean Institute for Investigative Reporting (MIIR) is a non profit organization that was founded in January 2019 with the aim of contributing towards the creation of an investigative journalism ecosystem in Greece as well as the wider area of the Mediterranean.

At the core of our philosophy lie the principles and ethics of independent, speaking-truth-to-power journalism. Transparency, co-operation, interaction and an approach of constant education both of journalists and the public, are fundamental elements of our organization.

MIIR’s investigations are provided free of charge to the general public.

The organization does not accept any kind of advertisements whatsoever and publishes the sources of its funding on a regular basis.

Amidst an environment of crisis and a largely discredited journalistic profession, MIIR’s team aspires to be a change of paradigm, guided by solid, trustworthy and independent journalism, with a distinct focus of scrutinizing power in order to defend the public interest.

Know us better!

MIIR members joined Reporters United in the major ICIJ #CyprusConfidential investigation

Strength in unity MIIR members joined Reporters United in the major ICIJ #CyprusConfidential investigation The investigation, in which 270 journalists and 68 media outlets joined forces, is being carried out by the International Consortium of Investigative...

Trapped in Paradise: MIIR’s investigation on the tourism industry is out now

What lies behind the celebratory headlines about Greece’s “heavy industry”, tourism? After poring over thousands of pages, liaising with tens of workers, officials, trade unionists and industry insiders, investigating in situ in Greece, Bulgaria and Romania, we...

MIIR attended workshops on FOIA requests

28/2/2010 Workshops on the right of access to information internationally

MIIR becomes member of EDJNET!

15/12/2019 We are happy to announce that the Mediterranean Institute for Investigative Reporting is joning EDJNET, as the first based in Greece journalistic organisation.

Correspondence from London and the “Truth and Trust Online” Conference

8/10/2019 More than 250 academics, professionals, journalists and researchers participated in the “Truth and Trust Online” conference, with public debate on fake news, misinformation, deepfakes

MIIR’S first investigation is out!

May 20, 2019 – MIIR may have been officially founded on January 2019, but its data-driven seedlings were planted earlier, in the form of twitter bots…

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 MIIR’s team aspires to be a change of paradigm, guided by solid, trustworthy and independent journalism, with a distinct focus of scrutinizing power in order to defend the public interest.

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